Press Release
Paris, 7 March 2023
The Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) and Jus Mundi are delighted to announce an exclusive partnership to make selected CRCICA arbitration awards and related materials freely available to the world for the benefit of the public good.
Under this partnership with one of the most dynamic arbitral institutions in the region, Jus Mundi will host select CRCICA arbitration awards and related information publicly, while maintaining the confidentiality requirements set out in CRCICA arbitration rules, allowing the general public to search for materials using Jus Mundi’s advanced AI-based platform and research tools.
Speaking about the partnership, Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of CRCICA, stated that:
“CRCICA is the oldest arbitral institution in the Middle East and Africa. Throughout several decades, CRCICA arbitral awards were regularly published to guide users in applying its arbitration rules, while maintaining the confidentiality of these awards as per its arbitration rules. CRCICA aims to publish such arbitral awards to enhance the building of soft law by providing precedents which enshrine legal principles set in its arbitral awards to the arbitration community.”
Jean-Rémi de Maistre, CEO of Jus Mundi, said that:
“This important and exclusive partnership between Jus Mundi and CRCICA to share CRCICA awards underscores CRCICA’s confidence in the quality of its Rules and its focus on confidentiality, while enhancing transparency for the good of all. While confidentiality of materials remains paramount, business can have greater confidence in using CRCICA as an arbitral institution to resolve disputes with enhanced certainty.”
The partnership will see select CRCICA arbitration awards and related materials exclusively hosted on Jus Mundi’s comprehensive international law and arbitration database.
The Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA or the Centre) is an independent non-profit international organisation established in 1979 under the auspices of the Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation (AALCO), in performance of AALCO’s decision, made at the Doha Session in 1978, to establish regional centres for international commercial arbitration in Africa and Asia, seeking to promote international commercial arbitration in the Afro-Asian area.
CRCICA provides a system of dispute settlement for parties engaged in trade, commerce and investment. It provides case management services and administers international, regional and domestic arbitrations and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms according to the CRCICA Rules, which include arbitration, mediation and dispute board rules.
CRCICA has operated continuously in Egypt as an international arbitration centre, enjoying full financial autonomy, with a firmly stable financial position. Today, CRCICA stands as Egypt’s premier arbitral institution, a leading arbitral institution in the Middle East and in Africa, and ranks globally among prominent arbitral institutions – as a marked contender for the first choice of institution in Africa and the Middle East.
About Jus Mundi
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