Register your interest in publishing on Daily Jus now!
Articles on subjects within Jus Mundi’s coverage are welcomed, e.g.,:
- Arbitration, both investment and commercial, international and domestic,
- PIL,
- Law of the Sea,
- International Trade Law,
- Sports arbitration,
- Maritime arbitration/disputes,
- Other international law-related subjects or subjects of global interest may be considered for publication;
- AI/tech-related topics in the legal industry.
Article Format
Our readers are particularly interested in:
- articles providing legal updates in a specific jurisdiction or region;
- articles providing insights into hot trends in a specific economic sector/industry or region;
- practical educational articles;
- critical analysis of recent major cases in your region (not a mere summarization).
- We also welcome substantive arbitration conference reports, so long as they dive into the details and analyze panel discussions.
The format is not set in stone; it is up to the contributors to add their subjective views and showcase their expertise.
Co-authored articles are welcomed, as long as one of the authors at least is a qualified lawyer/legal practitioner.
Note that Daily Jus does not accept submissions from students at this stage, unless:
- they co-author with a lawyer / legal practitioner;
- they submit a conference report;
- they are a PhD candidate;
- they are a LL.M. candidate with prior professional experience.
Editorial Guidelines
- Articles published on Daily Jus are in English. Occasionally, at the Editorial Team’s discretion, articles may be published in other languages, so long as they are accompanied by an English version.
- Articles to be published on Jus Mundi’s Blog are usually between 700 and 1,500 words. Exceptionally, we can accept denser pieces up to 2,000 words.
- We also accept proposals for more substantial publications, such as guides and reports.
- Author(s) must include appropriate references to the sources used in the article, especially when it is relevant to readers’ understanding.
- Articles do not contain footnotes but rather hyperlinks to documents available on Jus Mundi or external resources, when relevant. Documents on Jus Mundi are freely accessible.
- Preferably, references will be included in the body of the text. If absolutely necessary, a few endnotes may be included.
- Cases should be included in short hyperlinked citations. Treaties, conventions, laws and such should appear in their full hyperlinked citation the first time they are referred to.
- Daily Jus Editorial Team reserves the right to add links to sources relevant to the matters referred to in an article, if they are considered as missing. Citations/references should therefore be clearly identified.
- Please add the names of all the co-authors, titles, and short bios (up to 5 lines) at the end of your article. We will also ask for a headshot of each author (preferably in a zip format) to create a visual for the article and its potential promotion.
- We will let you know once the article is published, share the visual with you, as well as the relevant link so you can distribute it as needed, and a social media link, if we promote your article on our channels, so you can engage with it.
- Most original pieces we publish on Daily Jus are promoted on Jus Mundi or Jus Connect’s social media (over 17,000 followers) and soon, in our weekly Newsletter, which reach a worldwide audience of lawyers, arbitrators, experts, and in-house counsel. We cannot, however, guarantee the promotion of each article but encourage authors to promote their articles on their own channels (and their firm’s) and to tag Jus Mundi so we may engage and increase your reach.
- We are happy for you to share your article on your own channels (e.g., republish the article on your firm’s website) once published on Daily Jus. Please do let us know beforehand if that is the case. If so, we will ask that:
- it is clearly indicated that it was first published on Jus Mundi,
- the link to the original article on Daily Jus is included.
- It is preferable, although optional, for the authors to have enriched profiles on Jus Connect, the professional network for the arbitration industry. This ensures that readers are sent from the article directly to the authors’ credentials and CV, thereby increasing your visibility within the arbitration community and beyond.
Editorial Policies
In submitting Blog article proposals and articles, you agree to adhere to our Editorial Policies, including the following:
- Daily Jus solely publishes original pieces, i.e., articles written specifically for Daily Jus / Jus Mundi / Jus Connect and not previously published content. We are happy, however, for articles published on Daily Jus to be re-published on selected other channels (e.g., the website of the author(s)’ employer), with prior permission from Daily Jus’ Editorial Team.
- Authors accept that Daily Jus’ Editorial Team will review article drafts prior to publication and suggest minor edits. Authors remain responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the content they provide and for proper citation.
- Should authorizations be required for an article to be published, such as from the author’s employers or the organizers of a conference when reporting on one, authors must confirm that they have obtained all necessary authorizations.
- Daily Jus’ Editorial Team reserves the right to decline publication of articles at their discretion at any time before publication, and to remove content or materials published on Daily Jus if they have a reason to believe that the content and/or materials are in violation of the Editorial Policies.
Register your interest in publishing on Daily Jus now!
Contact Daily Jus’ Editor-in-Chief, Clémence Prévot, with your proposals or questions at