Editorial Policies

At Daily Jus, we uphold the highest standards of integrity, accuracy, and relevance in providing legal insights to our readers. Our Editorial Policies serve as the foundation for maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of our platform. These Policies guide our Editorial Team in producing and publishing content that is informative, insightful, and valuable to the legal community.

Authors publishing on Daily agree to adhere to the below Policies.

Plagiarism and Originality

  • Daily Jus strictly prohibits plagiarism in any form. Originality is paramount. Authors must ensure that their submissions are their own work or properly attributed to the original source.
  • Proper citation and attribution practices are essential to maintaining academic integrity and acknowledging the contributions of others.
  • Our Editorial Team may utilize reputable plagiarism detection tools to verify the authenticity of any submission, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the individual Authors.
  • Authors must make known to Daily Jus’ Editorial Team any submissions of the draft article with others, at any time during the review process or prior to publication on Daily Jus. Daily Jus reserves the right to cease collaboration with Authors, if they fail to do so.
  • Articles can be included by contributors on their (employer’s) own websites after the initial publication on Daily Jus, provided they give credit to and link back to the original article on Daily Jus. Third parties are not allowed to include Blog posts without prior approval.

Accuracy and Fact-Checking

  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the content they provide. They must conduct thorough fact-checking and verification of all information before submission.
  • Any inaccuracies discovered post-publication must be promptly corrected by the Author with clear attribution, by submitting the change to dailyjus@jusmundi.com.
  • It is a violation of our Editorial Policy to publish falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage Daily Jus, Jus Mundi, and/or Jus Connect or any third party.

Editorial Independence

  • Daily Jus maintains editorial independence from external influences, including advertisers or sponsors.
  • The views expressed in individual articles are those of the respective Authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Daily Jus, the Editorial Team, Jus Mundi, or Jus Connect.
  • We uphold the autonomy of our Editorial Team in selecting and developing content based on its merit, relevance, and significance to our audience.

Transparency and Disclosure

  • Transparency is fundamental to our editorial process. Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their work, including but not limited to financial interests, affiliations with external organizations or individuals mentioned in their content, or personal relationships.
  • When Contributors discuss cases or matters in which they have, are currently, or plan to be involved —as counsel, arbitrator, or otherwise— the article must maintain a neutral tone while discussing the case.
  • Additionally, the article must include an endnote indicating the contributor’s involvement in the case. Authors are required to inform the Editorial Team if their proposed article addresses legal issues related to a matter in which they are involved, have provided, currently provide, or intend to provide advice on.
  • Daily Jus reserves the right to decline publication of such articles or, if the information is not disclosed prior to publication, to remove the post.
  • Sponsored content, partnerships, or affiliations that may impact editorial integrity must be clearly disclosed to readers.

Ethical Conduct

  • Editors and Authors are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards in their interactions with sources, contributors, and readers.
  • Respect for intellectual property rights, confidentiality agreements, and professional standards is essential and is the responsibility of individual Authors.
  • Daily Jus’ Editorial Team may, at their discretion, remove content or material published on Daily Jus if they have a reason to believe that the materials are in violation of the Editorial Policies.

Diversity and Inclusivity

  • We are committed to representing diverse perspectives within the legal community. Daily Jus actively seeks contributions from individuals of varying backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints.
  • We strive to foster inclusivity and equity in our content creation process, ensuring fair representation of all voices. Authors are encouraged to consider the broader implications of their content.

Compliance with Legal Standards

  • Authors must ensure that their submissions comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including copyright laws, privacy regulations, and defamation laws.
  • Submitting material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethically offensive, or otherwise disrupts civil debate on Daily Jus is considered a violation of our Editorial Policies. Additionally, any content that encourages conduct deemed as a criminal offense, could lead to civil liability, or violates any law is strictly prohibited.
  • Daily Jus does not assume liability for any legal issues arising from Authors’ failure to comply with legal standards.

Responsiveness to Feedback

  • Daily Jus values feedback from our readers and stakeholders. We welcome constructive criticism and suggestions for improving the quality and relevance of our content.
  • We strive to address reader inquiries, comments, and concerns in a timely and respectful manner.
  • Submit your feedback at dailyjus@jusmundi.com