Press release
Paris, 27 September 2021
The Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) and Jus Mundi are delighted to announce a partnership in the name of the public good, to improve global access to key Austrian municipal decisions relating to arbitration.
The incorporation of these materials into Jus Mundi’s freely accessible and publicly available AI-powered search engine will include decisions of Austrian Supreme Court Decisions (in the German language) on arbitration, selected by expert VIAC staff.
Additionally and where possible, English translations of the decisions will be provided by legal professionals from the Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners (YAAP) group, with the aim of enhancing global understanding of Austrian jurisprudence on arbitration matters.
VIAC Secretary-General Dr. Alice Fremuth-Wolf said about the partnership:
“We are happy to help provide broader access to Austrian Supreme Court decisions on arbitration through the Jus Mundi search engine and also facilitate access to English translations of these decisions which are rendered in German. The Austrian Supreme Court has in the past rendered landmark decisions such as the one on remote hearings that will now be available to a much broader audience. By this, everyone benefits as access to decisions and transparency is becoming more and more important. We are proud to contribute to this goal.”
Jus Mundi has a significant role to play in enhancing public access to the best legal materials in international law to anyone on the planet by drawing on key national sources such as the arbitration materials selected by VIAC.
Commenting on the partnership, Jean-Rémi de Maistre, CEO of Jus Mundi, stated that
“International legal researchers and practitioners often miss out on access to procedural and enforcement developments taking place at the national level.”
“For this reason, Jus Mundi is honored to form this important partnership with VIAC, drawing on some of Europe’s most experienced institutional experts to provide a unique oversight of the Austrian arbitration landscape,” he said.
VIAC and Jus Mundi look forward to incorporating the Austrian materials into Jus Mundi’s comprehensive international law and arbitration database, ensuring that practitioners and researchers worldwide have improved access to these valuable legal resources.
For more information on the partnership, please contact:
About Jus Mundi
Jus Mundi interconnects legal worlds to power global justice. Finding the appropriate legal information and legal professionals worldwide is challenging. Jus Mundi’s AI-powered multilingual search engine makes it easy. Partnerships with arbitration institutions enable Jus Mundi to provide the most comprehensive international legal information to everyone on the planet.
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