New Developments in Polish Arbitration Law
Recent changes in the Polish arbitration framework allow for easier conversion of State court disputes to arbitration and introduce the...
Recent changes in the Polish arbitration framework allow for easier conversion of State court disputes to arbitration and introduce the...
Uncover nuances in judicial independence through the Almazeedi v. Penner case, exploring dual roles, ethical dilemmas, and external pressures.
Intra-EU ECT arbitrations encounter legal complexities, but investors have succeeded globally in enforcing awards. Ad-hoc arbitrations outside the EU offer...
This article discusses tax measures that are implemented in breach of contracts and licenses, and how to resolve tax disputes.
This article discusses and analyses the ICSID's 2022 caseload statistics. What do they indicate about future trends? Learn more!
This article discusses alternative financing mechanisms for miners, particularly the increasing popularity of streaming agreements as a source of funding.
With amendments to the provisions that implement the Hague Convention into domestic law, German courts can now assist foreign courts...
One of the most significant and controversial proposals in the Law Commission’s first Consultation Paper on the English Arbitration Act...
The Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCAC) and Jus Mundi organized a half-day...
This article discusses the reasoning of the Court in the RWE Eemshaven Holding II v. the Netherlands judgment. It also...
This article provides an overview of the reasoning by the Singapore High Court and Court of Appeal according to which...
Following decades of negotiations and as part of COP 15, States have reached an agreement to protect the world’s oceans’...
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