This ranking was featured in our 2023 Mining Arbitration Report, which is part of a series of industry-focused arbitration reports edited by Jus Mundi and Jus Connect.
This issue explores the mining industry and presents a goldmine of information based on data available on Jus Mundi and Jus Connect as of February 2023. Discover updated insights into mining arbitration and exclusive statistics & rankings, as well as in-depth global and regional perspectives on mining projects, disputes, & arbitration from leading lawyers, arbitrators, experts, and in-house counsel.
Parties and tribunals rely heavily on experts. As a result, expert firms are often solicited in mining arbitration to address the complexity of the issues at stake and assess damages. Mining projects create technical and complex disputes.
Therefore, expert evidence is paramount in providing clarification, knowledge, and technical assessment of complicated issues.
Our data shows that 226 expert firms were solicited in mining arbitration, of which 65 have only acted in mining cases in the sub-sector “Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (oil)”, i.e., oil & gas cases.

Key Takeaways
- The expert firms listed in this graph are the top 5 most active expert firms in mining arbitration, according to our data. Of these, only Navigant Consulting, Inc. and Behre Dolbear Group do not have a commercial mining arbitration caseload, according to our data.

- FTI Consulting is the most active expert firm in mining arbitration, according to our all-time data, as well as the most active in commercial mining arbitration. Although it is among the top 3 most active expert firms in mining arbitration in the last 10 years, it is surpassed by Compass Lexecon whose mining caseload has been growing in the last decade.

- KPMG and Economía Aplicada, S. C. have risen in the last decade. But the rising star in the last five years is Versant Partners, according to our data.
- In the last 5 years, our data shows that Latin American mining cases have kept a high number of expert firms busy. For instance:
- 2 mining cases against Mexico have involved a total number of 11 expert firms (Odyssey Marine Exploration v. Mexico, Legacy Vulcan v. Mexico);
- 3 mining cases against Peru have involved at least 6 different expert firms (Lupaka v. Peru, Freeport-McMoRan v. Peru, Renco v. Peru & Activos Mineros);
- 2 mining cases against Colombia have also involved at least 6 different expert firms (Red Eagle Exploration v. Colombia, Aris Mining v. Colombia).
Find more data-backed insights in our 2023 Mining Arbitration Report