Arbitration Aftermath – March 8, 2024
New in Arbitration this Week: In a legal tango, the French Court of Cassation refuses DR Congo's plea, while Libya...
New in Arbitration this Week: In a legal tango, the French Court of Cassation refuses DR Congo's plea, while Libya...
All new this week: Amsterdam Court dismisses Russia's bid against the USD 50 Billion Yukos awards, the Paris Court allows...
All new this week: US files amicus brief in appeal over intra-EU award enforcement against Spain; UK Court denies EUR...
All new this week: Czech Republic initiates set aside proceedings against USD 15 million UNCITRAL award; UK High Court upholds...
All new this week: Zimbabwe fails in attempt to challenge registration of ICSID award in the UK; Ghana faces enforcement...
All new this week: Ukraine’s Naftogaz says UK High Court has recognised USD 4.2 billion treaty award against Russia; Singapore...
Poland faces enforcement of USD 33 million SCC award; ICSID ad hoc Committee grants Georgia’s request for non-conditional stay of...
All new this week: Libyan Investment Authority succeeds in lifting attachments against its assets in France; subsidiaries of ExxonMobil seek...
This week's developments: Russia's immunity defence against enforcement fails in the US; Swiss company enforces EUR 7.3 million SCAI award...
Amidst this week's news: CJUE Advocate General asserts UK Supreme Court breached EU law by enforcing ICSID award, Russia faces...
Among this week's updates: ICSID ad hoc committee renders decision on stay of enforcement of USD 109 million award; UK...
Among this week's updates: Federal Court of Australia upholds jurisdiction over India in enforcement proceedings of BIT award, rejecting the...
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